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2024 Training Events

Training events and presentations for 2024 will be posted as they are scheduled. Email Cristina at [email protected] to be added to our email list and notified about future training opportunities.

Find more training opportunities from the Colorado Stormwater Center. The Colorado Stormwater Center is now offering the Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Inspection and Maintenance Course online in both English and Spanish.

Training & Presentation Recordings

Basic Stormwater Training

Working in Waterways - 8/13/2020 Training Resources

Who Should Attend

Contractors, inspectors, consultants, and design professionals involved in projects where work is performed in or next to waterways. Attendees need to have a strong working knowledge of temporary erosion and sediment control measures.

Training Overview

Construction activities can have serious impacts on waterways and water quality. This training will dive into the various permits required for projects taking place in or near waterways and how to determine the best control measures for your site.

    • Create a pathway to achieve and maintain compliance throughout the entirety of
      your project
    • Review of the multiple permits required, what each permit covers and how it
      applies to your project
    • Learn how to identify potential water sources on your site and the most protective
      control measures for each source
    • Examine the relationship between the USACE 404 and CDPS Construction
      Stormwater permits
    • Define and discuss the importance of the ordinary high-water mark (OHWM)
    • Learn what role construction dewatering plays and the basic parts of a dewatering system required for compliance
    • Discuss how the USACE 404 permit, CDPS Construction Stormwater permit, and CDPS Construction Dewatering permit overlap, and what this mean for your project

Training Resources

Working In Waterways Training Slides

US Army Corps of Engineers

Colorado Discharge Permit System

Capital Improvement Projects - Recording of 11/9/2020 Training

Who Should Attend

Government (city/county/school) development review personnel, inspectors, contractors, MS4 managers/coordinators

Training Overview

Capital improvement (CIP) and linear projects can present unique challenges in stormwater compliance for a municipal community. This training taught by Jennifer Keyes of Wright Water is designed for municipal staff and their contractors to ensure an understanding of effective BMPs and documentation as required by the Colorado Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities Permit. Training will emphasize the importance of documentation on CIP projects and review the requirements and portions of the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) that are updated by contractors and/or municipal staff. The training will also review proper documentation associated with the routine and post-precipitation event inspections and roles and responsibilities of the municipal inspector and contractor.

Training Recording

View the Capital Improvement Projects Training recording here.

Changes to State Construction Stormwater Permit - Recording of 3/30/2021 Training

Who Should Attend

Government, contractors, MS4 staff and coordinators

Training Overview

This training will cover modifications made to the COR400000 Construction Stormwater Discharge permit. CDPHE staff will discuss the following topics:

    • Major changes to the permit and go over each permit modification that began on February 1, 2021, reviewing the reasons for the modification
    • Fact sheets, guidance documents, and the other support documents that are available
    • Clean water diversions as allowable non-stormwater discharges: what is in the guidance document, diversion vs. dewatering
    • Examples of diversions
    • Larger common plan of development

Training Resources

Modified COR400000 Permit and Fact Sheet

Updated Compliance Assistance Guidance Documents

Training Recording



Working in Waterways - Recording of 10/26/2023 Training

Who Should Attend

Contractors, inspectors, consultants, and design professionals involved in projects where work is performed in or next to waterways. Attendees need to have a strong working knowledge of temporary erosion and sediment control measures.

Presentation Overview

  • Create a pathway to achieve and maintain compliance throughout the entirety of your project.
  • Review of the multiple NPDES permits potentially required, what each permit covers and how it applies to your project.
  • Learn how to identify potential water sources on your site and the most protective control measures for each source.
  • Learn what role construction dewatering plays and the basic parts of a dewatering system required for compliance.
  • Discuss how the USACE 404 permit, CDPS Construction Stormwater permit, and CDPS Construction Dewatering permit overlap, and what this mean for your project.

Training Resources

Working in Waterways 10/26/2023 Slides

Training Recording

View the Working in Waterways Training recording here.